Major retailers today -- with millions
of dollars invested in point-of-sale (POS) scanners,
electronic data interchange (EDI) and inventory tracking
systems -- demand bar codes which scan quickly and
easily, in other words - the very first time. They have
established strict minimum print quality grades for bar
codes and vendors who ship goods with bar code symbols
that fall below these minimum quality requirements are
now either fined several thousand dollars or have their
merchandise returned. In industry, too, the use and
quality of bar codes has a direct impact on which
suppliers win orders and which ones do not.
Moreover, an increasing number of
companies now require package printers and merchandise
suppliers to have and use specific bar code quality
assurance equipment before they can even be considered as
a supplier.
PIPS, Inc. is one of the country's
largest and most experienced verifier distributors, and
is well-equipped to recommend, sell and provide user
training for a wide range of makes and models. The
company is an authorized distributor of the
Axicon CodeMaster, HHP
Quick-Check, and the Webscan TruCheck line of verifiers. Both brands offer exceptional
quality, versatility and value. In addition, we offer
specialized Film Master verification equipment for
printers and pre-press houses which may be using EPS bar
code image files and want to evaluate output bar code
film quality prior to final plate-making.