To order a bar code, click here

The Encapsulated PostScript Format
(EPS) graphic image file is one of the most widely used
desktop publishing file formats for all kinds of images
from photographs to logotypes to bar codes - and is
compatible with almost all PostScript-based publishing
and graphics composition software for both Macintosh and
Windows systems. With a proper initial evaluation,
routine precautions and appropriate equipment -- most
importantly, an imaging device set to at least 2400 dots
per inch - high-quality bar code symbols can be produced.
However, since the output quality of any EPS graphic is
also only as good as the software which created the
image, care must be exercised to ensure the EPS file has
been created accurately. Not all EPS bar code suppliers
(or inexpensive off-the-shelf bar code software packages)
use appropriate algorithms to minimize bar width rounding
and other kinds of errors. Thus the need to work with an
experienced and competent EPS bar code supplier,
especially in a situation where there may be no final bar
code verification process at the printer prior to
printing. Learn more about bar code
PIPS SoftMasters
are precisely crafted EPS bar code images and represent
the state-of-the-art in electronically composed bar code.
Our special creation algorithms were developed based on
PIPS' decades of experience in all areas of bar coding
and refined as a result of years of extensive testing
across the broadest range of output devices. SoftMaster
EPS files are uniquely designed for optimal quality and
conformance, whatever the resolution and precision of the
output device; and PIPS, Inc. offers detailed EPS
calibration evaluation, usually at no charge. EPS files can be sent anywhere via e-mail on a same-day basis.
For the fastest service when
ordering bar codes, please follow these easy steps:
1) Download order form(s):
Bookland EAN Order Form
(used for books)
UPC BIPAD Order Form
(used for magazines)
UPC Product Order Form and Specification Sheet (all other products)
2) Download
Credit Card Form
Fill in forms and fax to our
Masters Fax at 212-410-7477, or you may email the completed forms to
If you are a new customer, we
will call you to confirm your information and quote you a price before running
your order.
Existing customers can expect
the order to be fulfilled within one business day.
For Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) and helpful topics, please see below:
SoftMaster Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - including missing font
What colors, screens, tints,
etc. can be used as background for the bars in the UPC symbol
UPC symbol truncation issues
Explanation of Bar Code Symbologies