Calibrated Conformance Standard
Test Card Set (Linear plus Data Matrix Symbology)

Your supplier claims he’s produced high quality Data Matrix symbols and shows
you a verifier report with “A” grades all the way. Your verifier reports a “C”
for ANU. Who’s right? Until now, there was no way to be sure.
Click here to learn more.
Bar Code Print Quality Verifiers
Inc. is one of the country's largest and most experienced verifier distributors,
and is well-equipped to recommend, sell and provide user training for a wide
range of makes and models. The company is an authorized distributor of the
Axicon CodeMaster,
Honeywell Quick Check, and the Webscan TruCheck
line of verifiers. These brands offer exceptional quality, versatility and value.
In addition, we offer specialized Film Master verification equipment for
printers and pre-press houses which may be using EPS bar code image files and
want to evaluate output bar code film quality prior to final plate-making.